creative direction
technical production
creative direction
technical production
This kinetic sculpture by Studio John Fish is a synchronous marriage of movement, light, form and sound. In the centre of the work is a large mirrored sphere surrounded by three rings of light on kinetic motors. The work is bolstered by a custom composed soundtrack to which the lighting and movement is synchronised.
CLIENT: vivid sydney
This kinetic sculpture by Studio John Fish is a synchronous marriage of movement, light, form and sound. In the centre of the work is a large mirrored sphere surrounded by three rings of light on kinetic motors. The work is bolstered by a custom composed soundtrack to which the lighting and movement is synchronised.
CLIENT: vivid sydney

Let's talk about your next project together.
Let's talk about your next project together.
Northcote, melbourne Austrtalia
Northcote, melbourne Austrtalia